Tentera Laut IRAN Sedia Iringi Kapal Bantuan Kemanusiaan ke Gaza

Selepas serangan komando Israel terhadap Freedom Flotilla, konvoi sembilan kapal yang membawa bantuan kemanusiaan untuk penduduk Gaza, Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Iran menyatakan kesediaan untuk mengiringi konvoi misi kemanusiaan ke Gaza jika mendapat arahan untuk berbuat demikian.

Untuk makluman, Gaza telah dikepung oleh Israel sejak tiga tahun lalu. Segala barangan yang masuk dan keluar dari wilayah itu diperiksa dengan ketat oleh Israel.

"In the wake of (last week's) unfair attack, it is Iran's duty to defend the innocent people of Gaza," Mehr News Agency, quoted Ali Shirazi, the Leader's representative in the IRGC naval forces, as saying on Sunday.

"Iran's naval forces are ready to escort the peace flotilla to Gaza with all their powers and capabilities," Shirazi added.

Shirazi went on to say that if the Leader of the Islamic Revolution issued a decree, the IRGC naval forces would immediately dispatch escort ships.

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