Mentaliti parti perasuah / UBN Najib Altantuya / PKFZ

Penarik Beca

Saya harap tidak benar apa yang dilaporkan oleh berita Malaysian Insider hari ini bertajuk "Some spectators claim they were paid toattend 1 Malaysia launch".Jika benar, saya harap ada orang berakal menyedarkan rakyat bagaimana Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan Barisan Nasional (BN) menghina rakyat Malaysia. Di sisi parti perasuah danpengkhianat Melayu itu, rakyat berharga semurah RM30 sahaja. Tak mungkin begitu hina dan murah rakyat Malaysia yang bermaruah. Lainlah kalau mereka itu ayam daging yang dibela oleh parti perasuah dan pengkhianat Melayu.

Berikut ialah sebahagian laporan tersebut:

It also seemed to show that the Prime Minister, despite being implicated as responsible for BN's power grab in Perak, had finally won them over.

The Malaysian Insider understands that earlier in the evening, some members of the public were registering themselves at certain locations throughout the city and were given coupons to collect at least RM30 in exchange for attending the function.

Some government-funded associations, for example, were asked to congregate at a particular location in town where they were given their money and subsequently ferried to the stadium by the busloads (baca selanjutnya
di sini).

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