Mengapa rakyat tak cukup duit?

Kehidupan di Malaysia dikatakan oleh sesetengah pihak sebagai aman. Aman kerana kata mereka tidak berlaku pergaduhan kaum. Tetapi aman tidak bermakna sejahtera. Tidak sejahtera kerana kejadian kes bunuh dan buang anak berlaku SETIAP HARI. Purata kes rogol berlaku SETIAP 2 hari.

Tidak sejahtera juga kerana negara tidak diberkati oleh Allah. Selain daripada masalah gejala sosial yang tenat, rasuh, riba, penyelewengan dan khianat terhadap amanah, negara juga tidak diberkati. Akirnya, rakyat tidak cukup duit kerana terpaksa bayar itu dan ini. Bayar sana sini kerana perkhidmatan yang ada tidak berkualiti dan perkhidmatan yang ada menekan kehidupan rakyat.

Bacalah rungutan rakyat Malaysia di bawa ini.

  • What do I get for paying toll every day? Now I have to pay an extra RM50 for each credit card. For what?
  • Extra GST (goods and services tax). Again, how does that benefit me?

Look at the long list:

  • I have to pay for security guards because the police are hopeless.
  • I have to install filters because the water supply is dirty.
  • I have to watch satellite tv because the government broadcasts crap.
  • Many kids have to go for tuition or to private schools because the government schools are bad.
  • We have to pay IPPs (independent power providers) because the government cannot provide consistent electricity.
  • We have to pay Indah Water to clean up the sewers.
  • We have to pay tax on foreign cars because Mahathir wants to keep his dying local car industry alive.
  • Most have to drive because the government cannot provide good public transport.
  • We have to pay to sustain the government’s affirmative action policies.
  • We have to pay for private health care because the public hospitals are crowded .
  • All in all, we have to pay a PREMIUM to stay in this country!

1 Malaysia Boleh!!!

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