DAP dedah kenapa tiada kiraan semula keputusan PRK Teluk Intan

Teluk Intan Lim Guan EngPETALING JAYA: Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng telah menulis kepada Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) Pengerusi Abdul Aziz meminta penjelasan dalam percanggahan daripada jumlah bilangan pengundi diumumkan sebelum dan selepas keputusan.

"SPR telah mengumumkan jumlah keluar mengundi daripada 39,850 pengundi pada pukul 5.30 petang apabila mengundi berakhir, Bersama-sama dengan 392 undi awal, jumlah undi harus 40,242, jika pengumuman SPR adalah betul.

"Bagaimanapun, apabila keputusan akhir diumumkan jumlah undi diselaraskan adalah 40619.

"Barisan Nasional (BN) yang diperolehi 20157 undi, DAP memperolehi 19919 undi dan terdapat 543 undi rosak.

"Terdapat percanggahan daripada 377 suara antara apa yang SPR asalnya diumumkan dan keputusan akhir.

"Angka ini adalah lebih daripada majoriti kemenangan calon BN yang merupakan 238 undi," kata pilihan raya DAP strategi Ong Kian Ming.

Pada masa ini, DAP masih menunggu jawapan rasmi daripada SPR sebelum mereka meneruskan perbincangan lanjut dengan peguam mereka.

Menurut Ong, Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang adalah berniat meneruskan perkara dengan SPR tetapi parti itu tidak akan berkata apa-apa sehingga mereka mendengar daripada SPR.

Mengenai isu mengapa DAP tidak meminta pengiraan semula bagi pilihan raya kecil di Teluk Intan, Ong berkata bahawa ini adalah kerana permintaan itu hanya boleh dibuat jika jumlah undi untuk kedua-dua calon pertama adalah kurang daripada 4% daripada Jumlah pengundi mengikut Pilihan Raya (Penjalanan Pilihan Raya) 1981, Perkara 25, Seksyen 13.

"Memandangkan bahawa ejen pengiraan kami di setiap tempat mengundi telah dialami individu, tidak ada arahan kepada setiap daripada mereka untuk meminta pengiraan semula jika perbezaan adalah kurang daripada 4%, walaupun terdapat tujuh saluran mengundi dengan perbezaan sebanyak 4% atau kurang.

"Kami dan yakin bahawa ejen mengundi kami yang berpengalaman dijalankan tanggungjawab mereka dalam memastikan ketelusan dan ketepatan undian di pusat pengundian masing-masing."

"Selain itu, pengiraan semula di tempat mengundi itu, mengikut Perkara 25, Seksyen 13, tidak boleh termasuk undi rosak atau ditolak. Mereka hanya boleh melibatkan undi sah yang bermaksud bahawa peluang untuk berubah undian akhir adalah sangat tipis dan mungkin tidak cukup untuk mengubah majoriti 238.

"Juga, apabila menjalankan seperti pengiraan semula, keputusan boleh dengan mudah pergi dengan cara yang lain iaitu lebih banyak undi boleh diperolehi oleh calon BN.

Teluk Intan telah mengadakan pilihan raya kecil pada 31 Mei berikutan kematian DAP MP Seah Leong Peng di mana Presiden Gerakan Mah Siew Keong telah kehilangan kerusi itu pada 2013 pilihan raya kecil sebanyak 7, 313 undi.

Mah merampas kerusi itu pilihan raya kecil yang ditandingi oleh DAP kali pertama pesaing Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud./google translate

Sila baca Kenapa jumlah undi tak sama? SPR tolong jawab

PETALING JAYA: DAP Secretary General Lim Guan Eng has written to the Election Commission (EC) Chairman Abdul Aziz asking for an explanation in the discrepancy of the total number of voters announced before and after the results.

“The EC had announced a total turnout of 39,850 voters at 5.30 pm when polling ended, Along with 392 early votes, the total number of votes should be 40,242, if the EC’s announcement is correct.

“However, when the final results were announced the total number of votes tallied was 40,619.

“Barisan Nasional (BN) obtained 20,157 votes, DAP obtained 19,919 votes and there were 543 spoilt votes.

“There is a discrepancy of 377 votes between what the EC originally announced and the final results.

“This figure is more than the winning majority of the BN candidate which was 238 votes,” said DAP election strategist Ong Kian Ming.

Currently, DAP is still waiting for an official reply from the EC before they proceed with further discussions with their lawyers.

According to Ong, the Penang Chief Minister is intent on pursuing the matter with the EC but the party will not be saying anything until they hear from the EC.

On the issue of why DAP did not request a recount for the by-elections in Teluk Intan, Ong said that this was because the request can only be made if the total number of votes for the first two candidates is less than 4% of the total number of voters as in accordance with the Elections (Conduct of Elections) Regulations 1981, Article 25, Section 13.

“Given that our counting agents at each polling station were experienced individuals, there was no directive to each of them to ask for a recount if the difference was less than 4%, even though there were seven polling streams with a difference of 4% or less.

“We were and are confident that our experienced polling agents carried out their responsibilities in ensuring the transparency and accuracy of the vote count at their respective polling stations.”

“In addition, a recount at the polling station, according to Article 25, Section 13, cannot include spoilt or rejected votes. They can only involve the valid votes which means that the chances of changing the final vote count is very slim and probably not enough to overturn a 238 majority.

“Also, when conducting such a recount, the results could easily go the other way i.e. more votes could be obtained by the BN candidate.

Teluk Intan had held a by-election on May 31 following the death of DAP MP Seah Leong Peng in which Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong had lost the seat in the 2013 by-elections by 7, 313 votes.

Mah reclaimed the seat in the by-election which was contested by DAP first time contender Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud.

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