
Sebelum ini cerita pegawai SPRM jadi penyamun, pegawai Polis jadi pengedar dadah, anggota Tentera jadi perompak yang dilaporkan di
23 September 2011
Seorang tukang cat membuat laporan polis mendakwa lebih RM3,000 wang miliknya lesap di balai polis ketika dia menjalani ujian air kencing. Leong Kok Hoong dari Bgan Ajam mengatakan polis telah menahannya di sebuah sekolah di Jalan Raja Uda susulan aduan oleh seorang pengawal keselamatan.
Leong mendakwa dia memasuki kawasan sekolah setelah mendapat kebenaran pengawal keselamatan tetapi ditahan oleh pengawal keselamatan lain yang memanggil pihak polis.
Dua orang anggota polis datang dan membawanya ke balai polis.
Setibanya di balai polis dia meletakkan semua barangan peribadi di atas meja antaranya beg sandang, dompet yang mengandungi Mykad, lesen memandu dan wang tunai RM1,000. Dia juga meletakkan wang tunai RM4,000 dari kocek seluarnya.
Kemudian dia dibogelkan, ditutup mata dan diarah mengadap dinding.
Setelah dia dibenarkan memakai pakaian dia memeriksa beg sandangnya dan mendapati dompetnya telah lesap. Lebih RM2,000 dari RM4,000 yang diletak atas meja pun lesap.
Dia kemudian membuat laporan polis di balai polis Butterworth
Friday September 23, 2011
BUTTERWORTH: A car painter has lodged a police report claiming that more than RM3,000 of his money went missing at a police station where he was taken in for a urine test.
Leong Kok Hoong, 39, from Bagan Ajam here claimed police had earlier arrested him at a school in Jalan Raja Uda following a complaint by a security guard.
Leong said he went into the school compound with permission from the guard after he saw someone resembling his friend walking into the school but another guard stopped him and called the police.
“Two policemen came in a patrol car and took me to the police station for a urine test,” Leong told a press conference called by Bagan DAP secretary Francis Ong Koon Liak yesterday.
On said that at the police station, he was told to place his belongings on a table. He said he put a slingbag which contained his wallet, MyKad, driving licence and RM1,000 on the table.
He also said he placed RM4,000, which he had kept in his trouser pocket, on the table. “After that I was told to strip naked, blindfolded and asked to face the wall,” he said.
He said that after he was allowed to wear his clothes, the policeman asked for his MyKad. “I then checked my slingbag and found the wallet missing. More than RM2,000 of the RM4,000 I placed on the table was also missing,” he said.
He later lodged a report at the Butterworth police station. North Seberang Prai Deputy OCPD Supt Sukri Awang confirmed that a report had been made.
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