Captain Jack Sparrow telah menyelamatkan beribu-ribu umat Islam dan bangsa Yahudi yang tertindas yang dipaksa masuk agama Kristian di Sepanyol pada kurun ke 16 dan 17, juga lebih dikenali sebagai the Moriscos and Conversos expulsion.
Cerita mengenai watak sebenar Jack Sparrow ini bukanlah rekaan, tetapi adalah hasil kajian oleh ulama di Amerika Syarikat yang lebih dikenali sebagai Imam Suhaib Webb yang selalu keluar rancangan beliau iaitu Inner Dimension di Radio IKIM , juga beberapa rancangan lain di TV Al Hijrah. Cumanya cerita “Pirates of the Caribbean” itu banyak rekaan dari fakta yang sebenarnya.
Sedikit maklumat mengenai siapa Imam Suhaib Webb ini dalam artikel saya sebelum ini bertajuk Para Khatib di Malaysia patut malu dengan Mualaf ini di
Nampaknya banyak sejarah telah diputar belitkan oleh mereka yang berkepentingan. Tidak salah kalau kita mengkaji balik kesahihan sejarah kita, bukan sahaja setakat sejarah komunis di Malaysia, tetapi sejarah kenapa Tanah Melayu dijajah.
Kalau dulu ada yang mengatakan Tanah Melayu dijajah oleh Portugis, Sepanyol dan Inggeris kerana rempah, tetapi akhir-akhir ini banyak penemuan yang mengatakan Tanah Melayu telah dijajah kerana umat Islam di Tanah Melayu pada ketika itu mempunyai peralatan, persenjataan , teknologi yang canggih manggih seperti yang ada di Blog Khazanah Melayu di
The Legend of Captain Jack: From Birdy to Sparrow
May 19, 2011
In the late 16th century a young boy collecting scraps of wreckage from the docks wondered if he’d ever leave Faversham in the borough of Kent, the hottest place in the entire United Kingdom. It was a marshy place of little importance to anyone but the brigand. Its docks were a haven for smugglers and pirates and other such unsavory folk. That boy was John Ward, whose dreams would one day come true, though perhaps not in the way he had wanted; he would become Jack Birdy, the most fearsome pirate in the world, and towards the end of his life, Yusuf Reis, penitent Muslim, wealthy beyond any man’s dreams, spending the remainder of his life in his Tunisian palace.
The legendary Captain Jack Birdy, once sung about by every balladeer in England, might have all but been forgotten, yet his memory remains as the spirit behind the fictional character Captain Jack Sparrow played by Johnny Depp in the “Pirates of the Caribbean” film franchise. Who was Johnny Ward, the child rummaging through the fishing docks of Faversham? Who was John Ward, the British Naval officer? Who was Captain John Ward, the privateer endorsed by the Crown of England? Who was Captain Jack Birdy, the privateer turned pirate betrayed by that same Crown? And finally, who was Yusuf Reis, formerly Captan Jack Birdy, formerly Captain John Ward, who would rescue thousands upon thousands of Spanish Jews and Muslims fleeing the Moriscos and Conversos expulsion of the 16th and 17th centuries?These were all one man. With so many characters wrapped in one, the stories of his adventures are exponentially more exciting than anything a Hollywood film could capture.
Cerita penuh hasil kajian Imam Suhaib Webb mengenai Captain Jack Sparrow ini di
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