"Ya Tuhanku ampunilah aku, rahmatilah aku,
perbaikilah aku, angkatlah darjatku, berilah aku rezeki, pimpinlah aku, afiatkanlah aku dan maafkanlah aku."

Konsert Adam Lambert: Kerajaan UMNO/BN Memang Bangang!

Adam Lambert syaitanAdam Lambert ketika ditanya tentang persembahannya di Malaysia nanti menyebut: ‘yang penting persembahan kepada mereka, bukannya menyebabkan mereka rasa tidak selesa.’

Ditanya lagi tentang parti pembangkang di Malaysia yang mendakwa Adam Lambert mempromosikan gaya hidup homoseks, beliau menjawab: ‘Saya mempromosikanapa sahaja gaya hidup termasuk kebebasan mencari cinta…gay dan lain-lain.’

Di saat kebejatan sosial para remaja terutamanya yang sampai sekarang makin parah dan membarah, kerajaan BANGANG UMNO/BN tidak langsung cakna dan sensitif tentang faktor-faktor yang membantu ke arah menjahanamkan lagi remaja yang memang sedang dijahanamkan oleh UMNO/BN dengan budaya hiburan melampau. Ia bukan sekadar nyanyian dan persembahan, tetapi ia adalah siri syaitan meramaikan downlinenya di neraka nanti.

Kalau mahu diberikan hiburan, bukankah Maher Zain mengadakan persembahannya pada 14 Okt nanti? Lagu, imej, lirik, gaya hidup Maher Zain jauh lebih baik dan berfaedah untuk halwa telinga termasuk para remaja berbanding imej Adam Lambert. Kalau konsert Adam Lambert diteruskan tanpa tentangan para Mufti, Menteri beragama Islam dan mereka yang sensitif tentang budaya sihat, memang kerajaan BN ini BANGANG!
petikan artikel:
Adam Lambert, like Gwen Stefani and Fergie before him, has been asked to tone down his sometimes racy act during a performance in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Thursday.

Lambert agreed to do so after drawing criticism from Malaysia’s Islamic opposition party over his over-the-top stage show, where he has the tendency toward kissing his male band members. In an interview with the Associated Press, the singer said his “main goal is to keep people entertained — not to make them uncomfortable.

“It’s something I’m doing out of respect,” Lambert continued. “It’s just one little thing. A man kissing another man is something that government really doesn’t appreciate.”

Malaysia’s Islamic opposition party claims that Lambert “promotes homosexuality”; Lambert countered by saying that he “promotes living ANY lifestyle that includes the freedom to seek love and intimacy. Gay, straight, bi, young or old. It’s all inclusive.”

In the end, though, he decided it was more important to play the show than to cancel it. “I think it’s a tough decision to make,” he said. “But to me, there are so many amazing fans in Malaysia that it’s more important for me to be able to come and do my show there for them and entertain them and thank them for supporting me.”

Yuen-See Cho of Sony Music in Malaysia also spoke about Lambert’s decision, noting that the singer “agreed to respect the guidelines that are set by the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage. We have shared with him in terms of what are the do’s and don’t’s … dressing and stuff like that.”
(http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1649767/2010101/ lambert_adam_ american_idol_. jhtml)

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