"Ya Tuhanku ampunilah aku, rahmatilah aku,
perbaikilah aku, angkatlah darjatku, berilah aku rezeki, pimpinlah aku, afiatkanlah aku dan maafkanlah aku."

Serpihan pesawat dipercayai MH370 ditemui di Pulau Reunion, Madagascar (Gambar dan video)

mh370 madagascar found
Serpihan pesawat yang tidak dikenali dijumpai terdampar di Pulau Reunion, Timur Madagascar, menimbulkan spekulasi serpihan itu dari pesawat MAS MH370 yang hilang lebih setahun yang lalu.

Sebahagian daripada sayap kapal terbang telah terdampar di sebuah pulau terpencil berhampiran Madagascar, meningkatkan spekulasi bahawa ia boleh jadi pesawat Malaysia Airlines MAS MH370 yang hilang.

Serpihan itu dipercayai adalah sebahagian daripada Boeing 777 – pesawat model yang sama dengan pesawat Malaysia Airlines yang malang tersebut.

Sekeping yang ditemui di La Reunion Island pagi ini dipercayai menjadi ‘flaperon’, sebahagian daripada bahagian yang mengemudi pesawat.

Pada 8 Mac 2014 pesawat Malaysia Airlines [MAS] MH370 jenis Boeing 777-200 yang membawa 239 penumpang dan anak kapal berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) pada 12.41 pagi dan dijadual mendarat di Beijing, China pada 6.30 pagi hari yang sama tetapi hilang dari radar dan tidak dapat dikesan pihak berkuasa Vietnam dan Malaysia. – MRM
mh370 madagascar plane mas
mh370 madagascar island
Part of a plane wing has washed up on a remote island near Madagascar, raising speculation that it could be from missing flight MH370.

The debris is believed to be part of a Boeing 777 – the same model aircraft as the ill-fated Malaysia Airlines plane.

The piece, which was found on La Reunion Island this morning, is thought to be a ‘flaperon’, the part of the wing that controls the roll and bank of an aircraft.

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BREAKING Is this piece found this morning could be flaps of ? http://ift.tt/1MxCODd 
It was reported that investigators are trying to identify the piece and that it had remained for some time in water. Investigators will use flight tracks to try and identify where the piece originated.

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A chunk of airplane wing that may match the Malaysia Airlines flight that went missing more than a year ago was found on the island of RĂ©union in the Indian Ocean. Xavier Tytelman, a French former military pilot, was contacted today by a man on the island who found the piece, according to The Telegraph, and says it looks like it could be from the long disappeared Boeing 777, in part because it appears to have spent at least a year in the ocean.

“We all think it is likely that the wing is that of a Boeing 777 – the same plane as MH370,” he told the Telegraph.

Flight 370 departed from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for Beijing, China early on March 8, 2014, with 239 people on board. A search over tens of thousands of square miles of ocean in a number of different regions, failed to turn up a single trace of the jet. – Wired.com

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